
  • Untruth: Wendy Davis Supports Open Carry

    Untruth: Wendy Davis Supports Open Carry

    The winds of the Internet blow hard and fast, so people don’t have time to read an entire article before they are emotionally invested in it. They mostly just rely on the headline and/or the source to sum things up for them. So, when people started seeing headlines like Wendy Davis supports open carry gun…

  • Untruth: Obama did nothing to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Untruth: Obama did nothing to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” The committee voted for Obama just twelve days after he took office, so their decision was not influenced by the work he has done since becoming president. It was made because of such things as his…

  • Untruth: Evolution proves there is no God.

    Untruth: Evolution proves there is no God.

    Contrary to popular belief, evolutionists make no claim that biological evolution proves that God does not exist. In fact, many leaders in the field of evolutionary theory are theists, and many of them have no problem reconciling their beliefs with their work. All attempts to disprove evolution have proven futile. Considering this, doesn’t it make…

  • Untruth: Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990.

    Untruth: Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990.

    For those that don’t know, there has been a persistent rumor that Faux News commentator Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990. It’s very likely an untruth, but Beck has yet to deny these claims. So the rumor persists. But fear not! Beck has a throng of supporters, most notably Shelley the…

  • Untruth: Obama’s czars are controversial.

    Untruth: Obama’s czars are controversial.

    The suggestion that President Obama’s so-called czars are unprecedented or a violation of the Constitution has been thoroughly debunked. People that continue to talk about this idea are either poorly informed or intentionally misrepresenting ideas in order to create controversy. These people are legally appointed by the president, they must be approved by the Senate,…

  • Untruth: Republicans are racist.

    Untruth: Republicans are racist.

    Just because some Republicans target=”_blank”>are racist doesn’t mean that all (or even most) of them are. In fact, no political party is immune to racism because it is based on natural human traits that have been bred into us over millions of years. Xenophobia is one of those traits, and it sometimes serves social groups of organisms…

  • Untruth: Police know what it’s like to be tasered.

    Untruth: Police know what it’s like to be tasered.

    Police are sometimes tasered during their training to help them understand how it feels. However, a person that is being subdued by law enforcement is in a completely different situation. When police are tasered it’s for demonstration purposes only, it happens in a controlled environment, they willingly let other people tase them, they usually know the…

  • Untruth: Best-selling means high-quality.

    Untruth: Best-selling means high-quality.

    Terms like “best-selling” and “most-watched” are used in place of “high-quality,” but it is simply a marketing trick intended to play into hype. While it is true that quality things tend to be watched or consumed at higher rates than things of poor quality, don’t put the cart before the horse. Many times (and, arguably,…

  • Untruth: Evolution is just a theory.

    Untruth: Evolution is just a theory.

    Yes, evolution is just a theory. But it isn’t a theory in the sense that most people use the word. The confusion comes from the fact that theory has multiple meanings. The differences are really subtle, so it’s easy to confuse them. Definition 1: a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an…

  • Untruth: Barack Obama is a Muslim.

    Untruth: Barack Obama is a Muslim.

    Barack Obama has never been a Muslim, and is a committed Christian. There are numerous examples of people debunking this untruth. Some people have accepted that he is currently a Christian but have wondered if he used to be a Muslim. Though there have been some interesting theories that ex-Muslims risk execution, the truth is…