Q: What is the email etiquette in this situation?
Q: What is the email etiquette in this situation? I emailed my colleague who happens to have about 4 different email addresses. I used the one she was using a few months ago……but I have a feeling she doesn’t check that one anymore. I sent the email 2 days ago but I still haven’t gotten…
Hey Hey! Ho Ho! IE6 Has Got to Go!
Please, please…if you’re still using Internet Explorer 6, STOP! Why? Microsoft wants you to. IE6 has many issues with security and display. Comedy Central wants you to. Once you upgrade to FireFox (Windows or Mac), or IE7 (Windows), you’ll get faster download times, smoother animations and better looking pages. All of the new browsers have…
Selling Virtual Things
My cousin, Steve Metze, asked me how one could make money selling virtual things. Well, the entire Second Life economy is a lot like the US economy, only it’s based on the Linden (L$), which is their version of the dollar. Now, if it was just play money I wouldn’t be excited about it in…
Stop using www. right now!
I grew up in a town of about 12,000. Everyone I knew had the same area code and the same prefix to their phone number. For anyone calling from, say, Kansas, my home phone number was (806) 894-4879. For anyone calling from my hometown, all I had to tell them was 4879. Well, I have…
My History of the Internet
There was a computer class that I took in high school that was absolutely terrible. The school year was 1993-1994, and I was a sophomore. We learned how to use a simple word processing program (that was already outdated), and that was basically it for the entire semester. The students (myself included) in that class…