Untruth: Wendy Davis Supports Open Carry
The winds of the Internet blow hard and fast, so people don’t have time to read an entire article before they are emotionally invested in it. They mostly just rely on the headline and/or the source to sum things up for them. So, when people started seeing headlines like Wendy Davis supports open carry gun…
March to Stand with Texas Women
I left the Texas state capitol building last night heading back to my car, and I was stopped by an entourage of state troopers. I wondered why until I heard a distant sound that grew steadily louder. The media were wrong when they said only a few hundred people attended the rally in Austin. This…
The most important person of the day is Wendy Davis…
The most important person of the day is Wendy Davis, but her works will literally last for generations. I’m even going to use a freakin’ hash tag: #StandWithWendy
The American Dream
This is a really excellent explanation of how our financial system works, but it’s probably too much truth for our society to handle. If Americans fully understood the truth it would bring ecoterrorists, liberals, independents, conservatives, teabaggers, and even anarchists together.
Every time I go through airport security…
Every time I go through airport security, every time I hear about someone who appears middle eastern being persecuted, and every time people defend our actions in Iraq, I can’t help but think that the terrorists won. They made us fear an invisible enemy, made us afraid of our own people, and drove a wedge…
Texas Judge Tom Head: Raise Taxes to Fight Obama’s UN Invasion of Texas
This county judge wants to raise taxes so we will be prepared for an invasion by the United Nations led by Obama. No, I’m serious.