
  • Animal Instincts

    I’m sitting here with my giant golden retriever puppy (Buddy), my fairly young cat (Sasha) and her less-than-a-month-old kitten (Spot). The mama cat sat down beside me, right in front of where the golden retriever was sleeping. The kitten, smaller than the dog’s snout, crawled to nuzzle up to mama, and had to rub by…

  • Hey Babe

    Hey Babe

    I’ll read this note aloud to you now, So you can laugh at me later. It won’t take long, so don’t interrupt, In fact, it’s halfway over. Come cruise with me onboard the Eclipse, And bake the bread of knowledge. I learned today of the coelacanth, Heresy, it seems, is taught in college.

  • Aisha


    Today in the park, I watched the denizens of my town, Going about their business, about their day. I noticed a massive woman scolds her minuscule daughter. Her voice was firm and serious, but clearly full of love. Then later, a man with gold chains barked at his wife, And her posture alluded to unknown…