Eric MetzeI’m a video editor and multimedia artist from Texas. I was born in West Texas in 1978, raised in a small town of 12,000 people, moved to a city of a quarter million in 2000, then escaped to a metropolis of several million in 2013. I’ve done the school thing and the work thing, and I even have one whole entry on IMDb. I adopted the screen name Metzae because it was unique and would never need special characters or numbers. That was in the mid-90s when the “World Wide Web” was still mostly a playground for nerds like myself. If you find someone with the username Metzae in a video game, social network, or website, it’s either me or some jerk sitting on the name. I taught myself HTML, created, and formed Metzae Media in 2006. I started working as a video producer in 2013 and have been a full-time video editor since then.